
README Generator


##Table of Contents

Description Installation Usage Contributions Testing License Github Email Links

## Description This application will set up and write a based on the questions provided.

## Installation First, install inquirer in command line by typing npm install. Once install is complete, type node index.js and the questions will appear. Answer each question when prompted. For the license question, use the arrow key to select the license you are choosing. Press the spacebar to select the checkbox, then press enter. Once all questions are answered, you’re will be completed for you.

## Usage The intended use is to create a README markdown for your application.

## Contributions Any contributions can be made through Github or by emailing me directly. This information can be found below.

## Testing To test this application, simply answer each question provided, then the README file will be completed.

## License MIT

## Github Look for me on Github: SteveGekas

## Email For any inquiries, please email me at:
