picture of myself

Hello, my name is Steve Gekas. First of all, I would like to thank you for visiting my personal website. I grew up in Delaware County, which is close to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. I currently live 15 minutes outside of Philadelphia, in a borough called Swarthmore. I live here with my amazing wife, Bridget and two sons, Alex and Timmy. Completing our family is our 7 year old Pit Bull, Bailey. In my free time I enjoy spending time with my family. When I am not doing that, I enjoy gaming, hanging out with my childhood friends. (Yes, the 4 of us are all still very close!)

I first became interested in technology because of the home gaming consoles. The first console I remember having was the ColecoVision. I was a little too young to have that for myself, instead it was a present for my brother. I remember him teaching me how to play and even allowing me to play with him even though I was five years younger than him, and at that age there is a big difference in characteristics. Back in the 80s when I was growing up, computers were very expensive and my family could not afford one for us. It was not until high school where I was able to actually own one. I enjoyed messing around with my computer and trying to learn how it worked. I never took it apart because I knew it was something my parents were striving to get us. When I finished high school, I did not know what career path I wanted to take. I decided to go into teaching because why not, the summers and holidays off sounded amazing. It turns out that is not where my path took me. After college, I did not get a job in the public or private school system, but in a Pre-school setting where I taught Pre-K for over 7 years. Getting older and getting more serious with my now wife, I did not desire teaching children and then come home to children of my own. I enrolled in an online college where I graduated with a degree in web game development. About 4 years after that I enrolled in a bootcamp to hone my skills and learn new ones as a developer. That is where I currently am right now.